Activities & Tours
Activities & Tours in Ireland we can book for your group
One of the major benefits of booking with us is that we also act as a one-stop-shop for your group to book activities & tours throughout all of Ireland, available at discounted prices and chosen specifically for group compatibility. Take the hassle out of planning your trip and let us do the hard work for you!
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Experience Gaelic Games in Cork
What are Gaelic Games?
Ireland's unique Gaelic games include the thrilling sports of Gaeli…
Locations: Cork
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Cork City Gaol
Despite its majestic appearance, this gaol housed 19th century prisoners in often wretched…
Locations: Cork
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Blarney Castle in County Cork
The charming old-world village of Blarney is located 8 km north of Cork city. The Rock Clo…
Locations: Cork
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Cobh Titanic Experience
Groups can take a guided tour of Titanic Experience located in the picturesque harbour tow…
Locations: Cork
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Group Meal Options at Gabriel House in Cork
If you are planning to stay in Cork with your group and you are looking for good-value mea…
Locations: Cork
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2-Course Group Dinner at Gabriel House in Cork
CGH meal partner in Cork, Gabriel House, offers typically Irish and international meals in…
Locations: Cork
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3-Course Group Dinner at Gabriel House in Cork
Looking for a group dinner option can be a hassle: in the worst case, you can’t find a r…
Locations: Cork
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Rock of Cashel in Co. Tipperary - Seat of Ancient Kings
The Rock of Cashel, Carraig Phádraig in Irish and also called St Patrick's Rock, in Count…
Locations: Cork
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Desmond Castle & International Museum of Wine Exhibition Kinsale
If your group is making a trip to Kinsale, a visit to Desmond Castle should definitely be…
Locations: Cork
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