We did it ! Riverdance the longest Line World Record
Sunday 21 July 2013 – Riverdance the Longest Line World Record – 1693 participants Riverdanced on the quays of the River Liffey, Dublin. How amazing this once in a Life time event was and it was so wonderful to be part of it.
Want to know how it went? Here’s the update from our Group Operations Manager Willemein who took part……
How Riverdance the longest line World Record unfolded……..
Sunday morning 0945 am and Dublin city was jam packed with people, dressed in black all heading towards the Samuel Becket Bridge for the World Record attempt. (a sight unseen at this early hour on a Sunday morning in Dublin !!) Once there everyone had to walk through the turnstiles and as you can imagine counting was very important when passing through here for the world record count.
The atmosphere was amazing, people from all over the world coming together for this gathering event. There was an overwhelming feeling of togetherness with your neighbours and being part of one big family.
For the next two hours the buildup continued to the main event – Irish music was playing constantly; everyone was practicing their steps; holding their neighbours hands. The crew was amazing in keeping the crowds going and building the atmosphere. Excitement was at fever pitch when the Riverdancers walked along the line to greet the participants and wish them luck. John McColgan and Moya Doherty were there to personally motivate the crowd and lead them on.
In no time – it was up to us to dance and break the record. The crowd was buzzing, everyone had practiced for this for weeks and the time had now come. The importance was to not break the line, hold each others hands and keep moving. It was amazing and when we finished dancing, it was announced through the loud speakers we had broke the world record. The celebrations really kicked off then…….
A fantastic day, a great achievement and proud to be part of Riverdance the Gathering. Check out the video here